Sunday, March 3, 2013

Banning the First Amendment

The First Amendment states all citizens have the freedom of speech. Why do you think our country's founding fathers felt freedom of speech was so important it had to be included in the first ten amendments of the Constitution? Think about history and the establishment of our country.


  1. becaus thay did not like how thay wher threated from the engish buddy medley

  2. Allowing The First Amendment to our country established woundful things .because blacks and whites can live a life together without jugdment and that people today can tell their thoughts about life today.

  3. The First Amendment states all citizens have the freedom of speech. I think that our country's founding fathers felt freedom of speech was so important it had to be included in the first ten amendments of the constitution because in the United States of America, we do not have a monarchy, which is where you have a king and queen. We have a president. However, people in the United States do have some say in what goes on in our country. Freedom of Speech is very important, so that citizens have the right to say whatever they want. I think that we citizens should be able to say what they please, with limits. Citizens shouldn't be able to say things like, "I hate our country." This is why the First Amendment is so important that it had to be put in the first ten amendments.

    Ali Carter

  4. ' Yes I think we should have Freedom of Speech.' Anyways I think we should have Freedom of Speech cause we need to have the right to speak when we want and also where we want . That want be fair to the society cause we need to have our Freedom of Speech that's why it's the First Amendment.In conclusion, it is clear that we need to have our Freedom of Speech.

    Kc Calhoun

  5. I thank the first amendment was put in the first ten, because having the right to say what is on your mind is important. With out the first amendnent segregation would still be going on today. So I thank the first amendment was put in place for the good, not the bad.

    ~Brittanie Riddley~

  6. I thank that the freedom of speech was so important to our founding father. With out the freedom of speech no one would be able to say much about the way our country is ran and with out that no one would know how to run nothing
    miracle hardy

  7. Most people have something SMART to say while most want to hurt. We should think about what we are about to say than saying it right away.
    -Raeven Wyckoff

  8. I believe that the reason the put that in the First Admandment is because everyone has the right to say somethings its a free country.Some people talks entirely to much and dont know when to shut their traps as old people say .
    Tiaushja Garrett

  9. Freedom of speech is important to United States citizens because it gives them the ability to speak out against the government and any other institution, within reasonable measure. I think we should speak when we want to not when we are told .It allows us to state our opinions, speak whatever is on your minds, and to state facts anywhere.

    - Abriana Wills -

  10. I think they put it in the top ten because that was like the whole reason they left their homeland for their freedom. Cory Dates

  11. I think the reason they put it in the first 10 amendments is beacuse, you should be able to say what you won't to say. You should be able to say what you won't to say at any moment in time. But you should also be careful with what you say beacuse it could be affending to someone or it could be bad. Tyler Mead
