Thursday, April 26, 2012


Teams competing in the geocache explain your adventure in a paragraph. Remember, you only have 24 hours after the hunt to respond before your team is disqualified.


  1. This was a good experience. I used my skills I learned in english to help my team win! I would do it again if I got the chance.

    Alex Graham

  2. My group had to start from the the last clue up. We had to think outside the box. The hardest one for my group was clue number 4. We had a good run, and we actually learned alot.

    -Kristade Swain

  3. My group and me started at Mrs. Ezekiel room and ventured throughout the school. We read each clue which lead to other, had to take pictures, and read QR Codes on iPads. Not only was it fun, but also educational.

    -Zharia McKenzie

  4. The adventure was very fun. It was very educational. The teams had to work together to compete. It was a little difficult. The QR Codes were around the school. We also used technology to help figure out were to go.
    Brianne McDonald

  5. My group and I had to go on a adventure. We went looking around the school for Q.R. codes and we had to either write a compound, complex, or simple sentence. We also had to tell whether a sentence was compound, complex, or simple. We then had to go to Mrs. Ezekiel's room and make sure that all of our answers were correct. The adventure was very tiring but our group knew that we had to win.

    By: Brittney Murphy... :)

  6. The scavenger hunt was very interesting. It focused on the things we learned in the classroom. It showed me the things we use in school will be used in our lives outside of class.

  7. We alll worked together to find everything. We followed each hint azs best we could. We answered all questions and got them all correct. This activity was both hard and fun. I liked it.
    Travis Tullock

  8. This adventruer was exciting. We new how to find the things we were supposed to by reading the clues that were giving to us.
    Aso it was a good thing to do because it helped us review the stuff we learned by the clues like using the complex sentences and compoun sentences.

    Ravin Bearden
