Monday, February 20, 2012


Idioms are a lot of fun. We use them throughout our everyday language without even realizing it. Remember an idiom is a phrase that does not mean its literal meaning. Pay close attention to the language around you this week. Listen to your parents, peers, television shows, songs, and radio. Did you hear any idioms? If you hear an idiom, let us know. Tell us the idiom, where you heard it, and what it actually means. You may not repeat any idioms that already appear on the blog.


  1. It was a piece of cake. I heard it on TV. It means that whatever they did was easy.
    ~Miranda Land~

  2. A chip on your shoulder. Coach Nelson told us to play like we had a chip on our shoulder. Which means we were upset and should go at it like we really wanted it.
    -Nick Looney-(:
