Sunday, February 5, 2012

Making a Mark!

Mrs. Barclay and I recently had a conversation about people who made a "mark" on our generation. By "mark" we mean people who changed our world by making it better. We mentioned Martin Luther King, of course, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Billy Graham, and several more. We began to ponder who is leaveing a "mark" for your generation. This would be someone who is making a differenc in the world by making it better; they set an example for people your age of how they can change the world too. Is there anyone who you feel has made a "mark" on your generation? It must be someone who was at least born after 1975. If you think of someone, provide the name and why you believe they are making a difference in the world.


  1. I believe that Coach Brian Nelson is making difference in our generation by always talking about be responsible and making correct decisions in life.

    Gabe Hammods
    2nd Period

  2. I think that you the teachers are making a "mark" on the world because someday, because of you all, us kids will have good jobs that can change the world such as president, or a scientist that discovers something more to this world, or an archeoligist that changes history, or even another teacher that helps the other kids change the world just the same.

  3. I believe the Navy Seals are making a "mark" on the world because they dare to go in and bring out hostages out of foreign countries. Where we can live in a country that is free and secure because of their braveness.

    Madison Kelly

  4. I believe that all of the staff and teachers at all schools are making a "mark" on the world for many reasons. One reason is that all of you try to make us do the right things and not head in the wrong direction. Also all of you teach us kids how to be respectful, responsible, and resourceful. I also believe that all teachers and staff help us because even though we may get on your nerves you all still try to make everything better and not negative.

    Brittney Murphy :)

  5. I believe that Mak Zuckerberg has made a "mark" on our generation through the discovery of Facebook.
    Though the discovery of Facebook has its pros and cons it helps people and kids communicate better. Also it helps students to get in touch with each other about homework assignments and coming up events.

    ~Jadaria Thomas

  6. I think that teachers make a "mark" on our genaration. They help us now and they will help us later beacuse they teach us things that will help us now and things that will help us later in life,and sometimes they give little life lessons along the way of us growing up not only in age but in knowlege.

    Ethan Martin

  7. I beleive that the government is making a "mark" on our generation. They do so by changing rules, and setting new laws that will effect us in the future, and now.The government is the base of our generation.

    Staylon Robbins

  8. I believe that my youth pastor Amanda has and is making a "mark" on me. She makes a "mark" on me by helping me get closer to God, and helping me get higher in life. That is who and why I think has made a "mark" on me.

    Brittany Dewberry
